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Summer Camps

Register for Spring Training Here

Spring 8 week on/off ice Training

The most important off-season training of the year is in the spring because it establishes a base for the next six months of work. This is the time to work on strengths and weaknesses. The off-season is as long as the winter season, so simple math tells you how much development can occur in the spring, summer, and fall. This makes this spring important to work on individual needs in the off-season. Once an athlete reaches the critical age for developing athleticism, the off-season must be spent on quickness, speed, agility, control, coordination, and leg power or explosiveness. The rate of neuromuscular learning, combined with the hormonal chemistry, puts you in a position to train intensely for power, speed, quickness, control, and skills. You don’t want to waste these years training improperly. Plan your off-season so that you emphasize different kinds of training at different periods of the spring, summer, and fall.

Register for STP Here

2025 Summer Training Program

This year’s STP will provide a unique multitude of skill developments that challenges all areas of your game. Our overspeed training will push you to new limits that force you to corner at high speeds, while maintaining your agility and balance. We believe building the proper mechanics of power skating and edge work will allow you to build a strong confident base for control. We will also be implementing a variety of shooting, passing and stick handling drills that will make you a more complete player. Our staff wishes not only to guide and teach, but to provide a positive, fun, and exciting experience. The camp will encourage and motivate you to new levels.

Register for Overspeed Camp Here


This overspeed training program will push you to new limits that force you to corner at high speeds, while maintaining your agility and balance. We believe building the proper mechanics of power skating and edge work will allow you to build a strong confident base for control. The program will encourage and motivate you to new levels. Feel confident and in control while cornering without losing speed in the process. Be bold and aggressive on your skates.   Quality repetitions and time are essential to improve ones skill and the speed at which you perform them!! Repetitions at game or sprint speed with plenty of rest between will develop speedy athletic hockey players. Recovery time is a must to allow for every sprint to be done at top speed.  If rest intervals are not monitored fatigue will set in and the development of speed will be compromised and counterproductive.  Long drills done at half speed will develop slowness and bad technique.  

Register for Small Group Training Here


This small group program gives me the ability to get one on one with players to focus more intently one building there game and reaching there goals. This 6/1 player to coach ratio allows for a great deal uninterrupted instruction and teaching.  In this program I push the play outside there comfort zone and implant tips and tricks which I have learned only through my trial, error and experience through my career. I put players through game like drills while implanting game like skills. As a player you  must have confidence and belief that you can succeed  to use the right skills at the right time. Repetition repetition failure and more failure are required to achieve this. I encourage play making and trying new creative ways to score, deck, stickhandle and Shoot. We work on the little things details and tips that could make your game easier next winter. This camp offers great individual attention in a small group setting to work on YOUR game!